You can download the latest stable release at this address:
Actual latest stable version: 2.2.2
On a post, when you click on 'Promote to issue', the issue type list visible on new page is empty.
09-29-2017, 06:19 PM by PitchouneHi, i become an DB Error, by the Install of the Version 2.3.0 Invalid SQL: DESCRIBE pt_issuealign; MySQL-Error : Table 'v3.pt_issuealign' doesn't exist
03-29-2017, 04:08 PM by mrdHi, if i change the Issuitype of an Existing Issue, (ie. Function to Bug) i become an Error over an Invalid Project on the Change Site i can only change the Type, but no Project is shown. I have...
08-03-2016, 01:43 PM by mrdSo I have recently installed PHP 7 on my multi PHP webserver and tried the site out on it. I was able to get everything working except from project tools which also caused errors in other parts of...
05-11-2016, 04:10 PM by madmaxmangos
Mark as read in PT vs Mark as read in main forum - confusion?
Hi, using vBulletin 4.2.5 on PHP 5.6 here, together with PT 2.3.0 from the svn (rev #914). I updated my forum recently from VB 4.2.4 and PT 2.2.2, everything worked OK here. Now, after the...
01-27-2018, 12:48 PM by dunc