• Project Milestones

    This feature is available since Project Tools 2.0.0

    Milestones are a way to manage issues per release. It allows you to define which issues belong to a specific milestone.

    It exists 2 types of milestones: active and completed milestones. Active milestones are milestones which are still active and didn't reach any completed date while completed milestones are milestones which reached a specific completed date. Milestones can be marked as overdue if the milestone is still active and the target date has passed the actual day.

    Milestone List

    This list shows you the created milestones. You may add a milestone from here. To create a new milestone, click the "Add Milestone" link under the list.

    • Title - title for the milestone. HTML is not recommended.
    • Description - description for the milestone.
    • Target Date - the date which you expect the milestone will be finished.
    • Completed Date - the date the milestone is really finished.