Issue: Version/Milestone Roadmap

  1. issueid=171 01-18-2011 08:27 PM
    Alteran Ancient
    Number of reported issues by Alteran Ancient:
    Version/Milestone Roadmap
    Summarise version goals into a single list


    Call me unoriginal, but I believe this feature could be a very useful one for many, by condensing statistics into an easy-to-read form, with each version listed down - both planned and historically. Each version can literally be given a quick summary, an estimated target date, and as issues get ticked and knocked-off the issue list, the "completion" of the version works itself up to 100% - quite obviously: Progression = (Number of Open Tickets for Version / Number of Total Tickets for Version) * 100

    Not a massive life-changer - it won't make me win the lottery, but it's certainly a convenience compared to running through search and filtering by version, and then filtering by version and status, and then performing 50 - 12 on a calculator.

    Just another one of my very far-fetched ideas, but if you're up for a challenge... ;-)
Issue Details
Issue Number 171
Issue Type Feature
Project Project Tools
Category Functionality
Status Rejected
Priority 8
Suggested Version 2.1.2
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

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