Issue: When PT is enabled, some users cannot Activate account.

  1. issueid=216 08-09-2011 01:40 AM
    Number of reported issues by dai-kun:
    When PT is enabled, some users cannot Activate account.

    I'm getting a few users with activation problems for awhile now. This doesn't happen to all new users.

    The user registers and then get an activation e-mail with the activation link. They click on the link and instead of being verified, they are welcomed with a database message:

    PHP Code:
    Database error in vBulletin 4.1.5:

    Invalid SQL:

    SELECT activationidusergroupidemailchange
                FROM vb4_useractivation
                WHERE activationid 
    AND userid 
    type 0;

    MySQL Error   You have an error in your SQL syntaxcheck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND type = 0' at line 5
    Error Number  
    Request Date  
    SundayAugust 7th 2011 07:00:27 PM
    Error Date    
    SundayAugust 7th 2011 07:00:27 PM
    IP Address    xx.xx.xx.xx
    MySQL Version 

    I have a lot of modifications installed so going through disabling all of them is quite tedious. What I did to troubleshoot was disable a mod, then go and check if the activation link works. I disabled PT as one of my last modifications since I didn't expect it to be the problem.

    Anyways, after disabling PT, I was able to successfully activate an account instead of getting the database error.

    Right now PT is a pretty important feature on my forum, but new users are important as well. I will be manually activating these new members so I can still use PT.

    Hope you can look into this issue. Thanks
Issue Details
Issue Number 216
Project Project Tools
Category Show Stopper
Status Duplicate
Priority 2
Affected Version 2.1.2
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

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    This issue contains some replies but it seems you don't have the permission to show them. To see them, you should log in.

    Once logged in, if the administrator decided it, you can still be able to not see replies.
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