Issue: DB Error after Update to 2.3.0

  1. issueid=381 03-29-2017 03:08 PM
    mrd mrd is offline
    Junior Member
    Number of reported issues by mrd: 11
    DB Error after Update to 2.3.0

    i become an DB Error, by the Install of the Version 2.3.0
    Invalid SQL:
    DESCRIBE pt_issuealign;

    MySQL-Error : Table 'v3.pt_issuealign' doesn't exist
Issue Details
Issue Number 381
Project Project Tools
Category Minor
Status Fixed
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version 2.3.0
Fixed Version 2.3.0
Milestone v2.3.0
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users Pitchoune
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