Issue: On promoting content to issue, the issue type list is empty

  1. issueid=382 09-29-2017 05:19 PM
    Project Lead
    Number of reported issues by Pitchoune: 115
    On promoting content to issue, the issue type list is empty

    On a post, when you click on 'Promote to issue', the issue type list visible on new page is empty.
Issue Details
Issue Number 382
Project Project Tools
Category Functionality
Status Fixed
Priority 3
Affected Version 2.3.0
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone v2.3.0
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users Pitchoune
Tags (none)

  1. Note:
    This issue contains some replies but it seems you don't have the permission to show them. To see them, you should log in.

    Once logged in, if the administrator decided it, you can still be able to not see replies.
+ Reply