Issue: Log Time for Issue

  1. issueid=80 05-29-2010 05:02 PM
    PT Developer
    Number of reported issues by thincom2000: 46
    Log Time for Issue

    JIRA has a feature that I really like, and that's that Assigned Users can log the amount of time they spend working on an issue. This way others can see that the issue is being actively worked on, and how big the fix was - like an issue that was fixed in 30 seconds (style issues) versus 3 days (design issues, or new features). And product managers have a record of how employee time was spent.
Issue Details
Issue Number 80
Issue Type Feature
Project Project Tools
Category Minor
Status Accepted
Priority 4
Suggested Version 2.1.2
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone v2.3.0
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

  1. Note:
    This issue contains some replies but it seems you don't have the permission to show them. To see them, you should log in.

    Once logged in, if the administrator decided it, you can still be able to not see replies.
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