Issue: [IE6] Project Bit Too Wide

  1. issueid=85 06-04-2010 01:20 AM
    PT Developer
    Number of reported issues by thincom2000: 46
    [IE6] Project Bit Too Wide

    In IE6, the Projects Overview (that lists the project-bits), has the project bits extending past the edge of the window.

    The problem is that the .projecttitle div (floated, so okay) contains other divs, which are by default display: block and extend to fill 100% (auto) width.

    Fixed in projecttools-ie.css by adding:
    .projecttitle div {
    display: inline-block;
    display: inline;
Issue Details
Issue Number 85
Project Project Tools
Category Functionality
Status Fixed
Priority 4
Affected Version 2.1.0
Fixed Version 2.1.1
Milestone v2.1.1
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users thincom2000
Tags design

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