• Pitchoune

    Tags are a form of meta-data that enables structured searching on data that can’t easily be represented otherwise.

    You may define any tags you wish. Common tag uses include:
    • Topic or keyword
    • Actions required (for example, "requires review")

    Upon entering the tag manager, you will see a list of tags:

    To delete one or more tags, simply tick the appropriate checkboxes and click delete.

    To add a tag, use the form at the bottom of the page:

    Tags may contain any text you wish, though they should be less than 50 characters long. Depending on permission settings, tags may be created via the front-end dynamically.

    Once you have created an issue type, you need to fill it with statuses.

    To do this, click the "Add Status" link next to the type you want the status to be part of. You will be presented with a form like this:

    • Title - the title of the status you want to add. HTML is not recommended.
    • Issue Type - this simply tells you the issue type the status is going to be in. Statuses cannot be moved to different types.
    • Display Order - sorting order for this status. Lower numbers are displayed first.
    • Can Create Petitions from this Status? - determines whether users can create a petition for an issue when it is in this status. Common cases where you'd want to prevent users from creating petitions is when the issue hasn't been looked at yet (such as in the starting state) or when the decision is final.

    When adding or editing an issue type, you will be presented with a range of settings.

    Note that if you are creating a new issue type, it will not be associated with any projects until you create one or more status and manually select the starting status for each project!

    Issue Type Key - this is simply a unique identifier for the type that is used internally. It will not be exposed anywhere directly. It may only include letters, numbers, and underscores.
    Display Order - sort order for the issue types. Lower numbers will be displayed first.
    Filename for Icon - you may enter the path to an image to use as an icon for this type. This path should be relative to your status icon directory, which defaults to images/statusicon. Three issue type icons are included with the Project Tools: pt_type_bug.png, pt_type_feature.png, and pt_type_task.png.
    Base Permissions off of Existing Type - you can choose to copy the permissions from an existing issue type to ease setup. This option will only be available when creating an issue type. If you do not select a type, no users will be able to access this type until you manually setup its permissions.

    You can also select the wording for a number of different areas, based on the issue type. Examples are provided for the "Bug" issue type.

    Singular Form - issue type name in singular form.
    Example: Bug.
    Plural Form - issue type name in plural form.
    Example: Bugs.
    Vote Question - question to ask users who are voting on an issue of this type.
    Example: Can you reproduce this bug?
    Positive Vote Count - description for people who voted "yes".
    Example: Users able to reproduce bug.
    Negative Vote Count - description for people who voted "no".
    Example: Users unable to reproduce bug.
    Applicable Version - description for the version that this issue applies to. You can really make this mean anything you want, but be aware that issue submitters will always be able to choose a value.
    Example: Affected Version.
    Addressed Version - description of the version this issue is addressed in. Again, you can make this anything you want, but only users with permission to change the status of an issue will be able to set this.
    Example: Fixed Version.
    Post New Issue - text for the issue type-specific version of the "Post New Issue" link.
    Example: Post New Bug.

    The issue type manager allows you to create and edit issue types along with the associated issue statuses.

    Issue types allow you to change numerous wordings associated with issues (such as how the "Post New" link appears or what to call the "Addressed Version"). Additionally, each issue type may have its own set of permissions for each usergroup and project. This makes them a very flexible organization system.

    When you enter the manager, you will see a page like this:

    You can edit the display order of each status here. To edit the display order of the types, you must edit each manually using the appropriate edit link.

    Statuses can only be created after the appropriate type is created. Statuses can not be moved between types.

    When you go to edit permissions for a group, you will be presented with a number of options.

    If you are editing the global permissions for a group, you will be presented with a few additional options at the top of the page:

    Can View Project Tools - this is a global switch. If you set this to no, this group will not be able to view the project tools regardless of permission settings.

    Can Create Report - this is a master switch to control whether users in this group can create reports (saved searches). If you set this to no, they will not be able to create any reports. If you set this to yes, they will be able to create private reports, reports which are only viewable by the creator. Public report permissions are controlled by the next setting.

    Can Create Public Report - provided that the Can Create Report setting is set to yes, this option controls whether users in this group can create reports that are viewable by any users that can search. Public reports may also be used for RSS feeds if permissions allow for it.

    Can Delete Own Public Reports - if a user can create a public report, can he or she also delete it? This only applies to their own reports.

    Can Delete Others’ Public Reports - this setting controls whether users in this group can delete others’ public reports. Private reports are only deletable by the creator.

    Can Create Custom Tags - if you set this to yes, users in this group will be able to define their own tags when editing an issue (provided they can modify the tags at all). You may wish to disable this for all groups and simply manage the tags via the admin control panel.

    Since Project Tools 2.1.0, there is 1 new permission.

    Use the Human Verification in Project Tools - this setting controls whether users need to fill a human verification script to use the product.

    Since Project Tools 2.2.0, there is 2 new permissions.

    Can Import Into Issues - this setting controls whether users in this group can import others content types as issues. This includes threads & posts.

    Can Export From Issues - this setting controls whether users in this group can export issues as others content types. This includes threads & posts.

    Below these options, you will see all the permissions that can be set. To quickly manage a group of permissions for a type, use the check box next to the type’s name. This will select all or none of the permissions in a group. To quickly set a permission for all issue types, double-click on the permission name.

    Can View Issues - the global viewing switch. If this is set to no, access to that type will be denied completely. Unlike vBulletin, if you set this no globally, it may be overridden by a project-specific permission!

    Can View Others’ Issues - determines whether issues posted by others can be viewed. If this is set to no but Can View Issues is set to yes, users in this group will only be able to view issues posted by them.

    Can View Own Private Issues/Notes - controls whether they can see issues or notes posted by them that are private. Note that if an administrator makes this user’s note private, he or she will still be able to see the note and perhaps edit it.

    Can Search - controls whether users in this group can search for issues of the specified type. Only issues or notes that they see will be searched.

    Can Vote on Issues - determines whether users can vote on issues. Registered users may only vote on an issue once. If you allow unregistered users to vote, each IP address can only vote once.

    Can be Assigned - controls whether users in this group will can be assigned to an issue. Assignment allows for easy searching and causes some different permissions to be applied (see below).

    Can Manage Issues/Notes - if this is set to yes, users will be able to see soft-deleted issues and notes and view IP addresses attached to notes.

    Can View Others’ Private Issues/Notes - controls whether users in this group can view private issues and notes that have been posted by other users.

    Can Edit Assignments - master switch to control whether users can modify the users that are assigned to an issue.

    Can Edit Others' Assignments - controls whether users in this group can edit the assignments of other users. If this is set to no but Can Edit Assignments is set to yes, then users in this group will only be able to edit their own assignment.

    Can Edit Issue Statuses when Assigned - controls whether users in this group can edit the status of an issue when assigned. This will also allow them to changed the "addressed version".

    Can Edit Issue Statuses when Unassigned - controls whether users in this group can edit the status of an issue when unassigned. This will also allow them to changed the "addressed version".

    Can Edit Issue Tags when Assigned - determines if users can modify the tags of an issue when they are assigned to it.

    Can Edit Issue Tags when Unassigned - determines if users can modify the tags of an issue when they are not assigned to it.

    Can Post New Issues - controls whether users in this group can post new issues at all. The exact fields that are editable are controlled by other permissions implicitly. Users will always have access to priority, category, and applicable version.

    Can Reply to Issues - the master reply control. If this is set to no, users will not be able to reply to issues.

    Can Reply to Others' Issues - determines whether users can reply to issues posted by other users. If you set this to no but Can Reply to Issues to yes, users will only be able to respond to their own issues.

    Can Petition for Status Changes - controls whether users can submit status change petitions when replying. Users must have reply permissions before this can apply.

    Can Make Issues/Notes Private During Creation - determines whether users can make an issue or note private when it is being created. This is useful to allow unprivileged users to post data they think is sensitive.

    Can Edit Issue Information - controls whether users can edit the basic information of an issue (other than the text) after it has been posted. This includes things like priority, category, and applicable version. The text of an issue is controlled by the Can Edit Notes permission.

    Can Edit Others' Issue Information - controls whether users can edit issues posted by other users. If this is no but Can Edit Issue Information is yes, users will only be able to edit their own issues.

    Can Edit Notes - if this is enabled, users will be able to edit notes after they have been posted. This also includes the initial text of an issue.

    Can Edit Others' Notes - controls whether users can edit notes posted by other users. If this is no but Can Edit Notes is yes, users will only be able to edit their own notes.

    Can Edit Private Setting After Creation - determines whether users can change the private setting on an issue or note after is has been created. Care must be taken with this permission, as it will allow a user to take a note that has been marked private by another user and make it public again. The appropriate edit permission (issue or note) must be set before this option is applicable.

    Can Delete Issues - determines whether users in this group can delete issues. This does not differentiate between soft- and hard-deleting.

    Can Delete Others' Issues - determines whether users in this group can delete issues posted by other users. This does not differentiate between soft- and hard-deleting. If this is set to no but Can Delete Issues is set to yes, users will only be able to delete issues posted by them.

    Can Delete Notes - determines whether users in this group can delete notes. This does not differentiate between soft- and hard-deleting.

    Can Delete Others' Notes - determines whether users in this group can delete notes posted by other users. This does not differentiate between soft- and hard-deleting. If this is set to no but Can Delete Notes is set to yes, users will only be able to delete notes posted by them.

    Can View Attachments - determines whether users in this group can download attachments.

    Can Upload Attachments - determines whether users in this group can upload attachments. The exact file types and maximum file size is controlled in the Settings section.

    Can Edit Attachments - controls whether users can edit attachments after they have been uploaded. This includes the ability to delete them and mark them as obsolete.

    Can Edit Others' Attachments - controls whether users can edit attachments uploaded by other users after they have been uploaded. This includes the ability to delete them and mark them as obsolete. If you set this to no and Can Edit Attachments to yes, users will only be able to edit attachment they have uploaded.
     Number of Views: 16768 

    You can download the latest stable release at this address:


    Actual latest stable version: 2.2.2

    When viewing the project permission page, you will see a table like this:

    Each usergroup in your forum is listed, along with each issue type you have defined. The group’s name will be struck-through if access to the project tools is disabled. Any permissions you specify for the group will not apply. A check mark will be shown below each issue type the group has the “Can View” permission for. The Edit link will be highlighted if you have specified a custom set of permissions for the group.

    By default, the global permissions will be shown. To view the actual permissions for a specific project, select the project from the table at the bottom of the page:

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