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Thread: Bulk removal of closed issues from DB?

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  1. #1

    Question Bulk removal of closed issues from DB?

    Hi gents,

    1st of all, kudos for your great work! We're using the project tools since a very long time, and they never failed us.

    However... "a very long time" also means that we have accumulated quite a lot of "closed" issues by now.

    I would like to know... is there a way of "bulk removing/deleting/pruning" closed issues from a project? I'm no PHP expert, but it seems that it should at least be possible to use e.g. the "projectpost.php" file and somehow "batch feed" it with a list of closed issue IDs for hard deletion?

    Did someone actually do this before? Or is there a another/better option to "clean up" a long-running project?


  2. #2
    Ah... I should probably mention that we're using Project Tools 2.2.0 on vBulletin 4.2.2 - Thanks!

  3. #3
    Project Lead Pitchoune's Avatar
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    There is actually no way. I'll take a look to integrate it.

  4. #4
    Thanks a bunch!

    Maybe - and I certainly don't want to add more feature requests if there is no public demand for it - a possibility to "move" issues from one project to another would be an option worth investigating. That would allow for i.e. having an active "main" bugtracker project, and an an inactive "archive" project (instead of deleting stuff, but keeping the "main" project tidy and easy to work with).

  5. #5
    Project Lead Pitchoune's Avatar
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    This is actually possible but not a lot of issues in a row, only one by one (go to the issue and select 'Move Issue' in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner).

  6. #6
    Sure, same as deletion one-by-one is possible. However, for bigger projects, it's the "bulk" or "all of type <foo>" or "all of status <bar>" functionality that would be appreciated.

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